Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Don't Mix Up Our Corn, Wife

To randomly start of this blog, these are a few of my favorite things:
-Garlic Salt
-Salt (Yes, I'm going to be that old woman who gets told by her doctor to quit eating salt. I'll probably tell him/her off, too. I love salt).
-Taco Seasoning

You'll notice or probably already have noticed how much I use these items.

I'm going to completely embarrass my roommate, but it's no big deal. Her coworkers call me her wife because I bring her dinner when she's at work. So, we've acquired it and joke about it now.

The other day, I made steak, barbecued corn, and salad. My original plan was to grill the petit sirloin, approximately the size of a credit card per person, (the serving size of steak that one should have, rather than an entire cow). I believe that all a steak needs is Worcestershire Sauce, salt, and pepper. My favorite way to cook a steak is medium rare. Brown, with a warm center. Juicy steak is the greatest. I HATE when a steak is overcooked. I believe that it loses a lot of flavor and juiciness.

My pops told me that when you add salt to meat before you cook it, it makes it tough. No one wants to gnaw on tough meat. When I cook steak, I prefer to:
*Dump Worcestershire Sauce on it and let it marinade.
*Pepper it.
*Grill it on the barbecue.
*Salt it afterwards.

Now that I know how to cook steak, I don't have to go to TGI Friday's to get one! It's an amazing concept. When I made this dinner, I cooked the corn first so it could cool when the steak quickly grilled. But, by the time the corn was finished, I ran out of propane. My steak was thawed, so I had to cook it. I grilled it over the stove; didn't taste as good, of course. (I also believe that EVERYTHING tastes better over the barbecue, now that I know how to do it).

The corn even got the, "Mmmmm," from the wife. Which is a good thing.

I believe that I mentioned in the blog before this one that I am lactose intolerant. I have substituted a soy butter for regular butter in my diet. I love it.

When I was preparing the corn, I got told, "Don't mix up our corn, wife!" Mine was made with this butter, her's was made with her butter. I loved mine, she loved hers.

For one ear of corn,
1. Melt 2 tbsp. of butter in a bowl, dash of cayenne pepper, dash of dried oregano, garlic salt, pepper, and garlic powder in the microwave until completely melted.
2. Take a piece of aluminum foil large enough to cover ear of corn and put the shucked ear on foil.
3. Spread butter mixture over ear, making sure to rub spices and butter over corn.
4. Wrap foil like a burrito.
5. Put on medium-high heat over a barbecue for 20 minutes, making sure to turn every five minutes.
6. Unwrap and enjoy!

Hopefully you all will be seeing more barbecuing recipes!

Anything you want to see or want changed? Let me know! :)

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