Saturday, June 4, 2011

First Post

I've been wanting to start a blog for a while, and it hit me today. Food. I love food. Ever since I was a kid, I've loved cooking everything from main courses to desserts. Trying new recipes is something I love to do. I'm a firm believer that everything can be made better with food.

Now, I'm not saying this in a "typical fatty American" point of view. I mean finding something to make and perfecting it to the point where your mouth is just so overpowered with flavor, you won't be able to eat anything that would match it. The instant I see someone's face when they eat my food...the close of the eyes, the inhale of the smells, and the instant that flavor hits your mouth. Ah. I absolutely love that moment.

Growing up as the oldest, I watched my mom and dad cook and learned their methods. When I was in elementary school, I participated in cooking 4-H and was so bummed when our group leader closed the group. Being a curious kid, I acquired my parents cooking skills and learned how to cook for all five of us. Including my teenage brothers eating for the equivalent of three people. So, I am incapable of cooking for just myself and my roommate. Oftentimes, I will surprise people with my food. I guess you could say I'm addicted to the sensorial rush of good food.

If you are one of these people, I will experiment. Guess what? You'll try it all. At the current moment, I'm trying to perfect my coffee cake. I know it's not as good as it could be, but it will reach that point!

Writing as a "poor college student" won't limit me. I don't understand people who don't set aside money for food. Uhhh...that would be how you survive, so why not simply ENJOY it? There are no excuses for subpar tasting food.

I'll post recipes, stories, experimentations, things I've learned, and observations.

Follow if you dare. :)

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