Saturday, June 11, 2011

Turkey vs. Cow

I understand when people say, "I won't eat ground's weird." Growing up in the sticks, we ate a lot of wild game. It's taken me until this year to be really comfortable with it. I use ground turkey in everything. Meatballs, tacos, whatever else I need ground beef in... However, I have come across one item that when subbing ground turkey for ground beef, does not work at all.

This item?...


You got it. That one dish of easy to make comfort food. I picked out a recipe, got the stuff, and make the meatloaf. It was a meatloaf that had a glaze to it that was put in the place of the typical ketchup topping that I've come to know and love. In theory, it was good. The pictures look good, the concept is great. It just tasted weird.

I've determined that it was the finely chopped carrots and turkey meat which made it confuse my mouth. Doesn't help that I compare it to my mom's meatloaf. But I do not like finely diced carrots added to meat. I'm glad that I now know this about myself.

In order to make the meatloaf, the recipe called for garlic flavored croutons. Because I never use croutons, I decided to make them.

Garlic Croutons

Take 2 slices of bread.
Tear into pieces.
Spread over a waxed paper lined cookie sheet.
Lightly spray with olive oil pam.
Sprinkle with garlic salt.
Put in 400 degree oven until hard in texture. (They will also become more firm at room temperature after removing them from the oven).

Pretty simple.

I feel bad that I don't have an extraordinary recipe to post, but, I am not a professional. I didn't go to cooking school, I don't take cooking lessons, and a lot of the time, I don't know what I'm doing. So, take that as entertainment, I suppose. I mess up, too!

Last notes:
-- I apologize for not having precise measurements on the recipes that I come up with. That's how my pops cooks, and I definitely have taken that from him as I get older. If it tastes good, that's awesome! If it doesn't, change it.
-- I need an apron. Not one I use for work. A real one. A cute one.
-- Expect a cupcake recipe tomorrow! People of C.E.'s city? You might be surprised with something delicious!
-- Have a great night. :)

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